Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010

happily day

Yesterday it's my lucky day! Finally, for the time that I've already wait for. OLIVER APOLOGIZED TO ME!! I'm sooo happy!!! So, yesterday we drove around Beverly Hills, accepted to start a new relationship. At night, Samantha and her best friend, Tiffany and me also Lucy went to the cinema watched Despicable Me (if im not mistaken) cause that's a LONG day after all. After watch movie, we ate pizza and burger. For a dessert, we ate frozen yogurt!! Hmmm yummy. Before I slept, Margaret calls me. She asked me my experience in Indonesia, said sorry because steal my boyfriend and apologized to me, wanna be my best friend again. So, I thought she's like innocent. I took her forgiveness(am i right? I can't check my english words right now) then I went bed. I've already tried to sleep but I can't. Lately, I can't sleep because Im so happy with my new bedroom. So, I slept in my guest bedroom(huh, againagainagain).

OK, that's all I wanna say. See ya!

Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010

Craig David-Insomnia

Oh my gosh I'm falling in love with this song! Check it out, please!

home sweet home

I have an good news, everyone! My house has been renovated and inside of it, too!! I'm soo happy!! Hoohohoo!
I'll share these pictures with you guys

My bedroom, its so awesome! Finally, my dreams are come true!(again)

First of all, this is my room, Sam and Catherine. Then, Catherine asked for 2 bedrooms and now I'm moving to my bedroom!! So now, it's Catherine's bedroom(Samantha has it, too!)

Now, you see Samantha's room. It's looks like authentic, and very homey. Actually, Samantha didn't like it, but days after days, she love it!

It's Nate's bedroom. It's look so cool, but I don't like it, why? Because it looks like a small bedroom. Mine was medium, Samantha and Catherine was medium too!

This is our livingroom, kitchen and guest bedroom. It looks like homey and comfy, do you?

This is my parents bedroom. I think its so comfortable. Um, sorry. This is my parents and Kelly(my new, little sister)'s bedroom!!

We have extra kitchen, its near garden. Its like 'emergency' room, if you're hungry, you dont have to go far. Just get some foods in here ;)

Okay, that's it. see ya soon!
Hello bloggie. Guess what? Inside house, our rooms has been renovated, and some has been added! I'm soo happy, finally now I have about 2 rooms!! I'll share these picture with you guys!

Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

dear bloggie and my new phone!

Dear bloggie, so long I didn't meet you! I'm sorry guys if you're angry but I'm busy right now, so sorry guys!!!
Finally, I've got 2 good news, One: I arrived at America!!!! YYYYYYY!!!! Actually I arrived at America since April 2010, but because now I live in a academy so, I thank so much cause' now its SUMMER!!
Two is: Got an new phone!!!
Because I've got Rank #5, my family accepted that I supposed to have an new phone. I ask just one, but they gave me 2 phones! Umm, sorry.. TWO SMARTPHONES!(Is this right?)

Finally, after two year along with this phone!!(I changed again)

My mom and my dad gave me the new one, iPhone!!! Woo-Hoo!!

I'm soo happy with this phone!! My dreams are come true!! And from Sammy, Cathy and Naty(my lovely name)is.. BlackBerry!! I know that this is the old, but I like it cause' I've got BlackBerry too!!

And for little notes, if you ask me my pin, I'm sorry I can't cause' my parents do not let me add the stranger!! SORRY!!

Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

kemang fest!

Woo-Hoo! Tomorrow i go to Kemang Fest at Kemang, of course! Because the road has close for the fest im so excited. Maybe i spend my money too much or DONT buy any stuff or food. I can dead!

Minggu, 13 Desember 2009

omegle chat

Hi! I chat with strangers. Check it out!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: wats ur name?
You: taylor
Stranger: nice to meet u
You: where r u from?
Stranger: usa
Stranger: u
You: me too
Stranger: which stat
Stranger: state?
You: california
You: u?
Stranger: virginia
You: oooh
You: whats ur age
Stranger: 18\
Stranger: u?
You: 16
Stranger: ohh kkkk
Stranger: u have a pic????
You: f/m?
You: no
You: im not in my computer
Stranger: m
Stranger: u?
You: f
You: of course!
Stranger: ya but taylor mayb a guy too
Stranger: :)
You: like taylor lautner
You: yeah i know
Stranger: :)
Stranger: so watsup?
You: just 1 2 online
Stranger: ok
You: whats ur school?
Stranger: little flower
Stranger: urs?
You: im in indonesia
You: ais
Stranger: wat??
Stranger: but u said u r in ua
Stranger: usa
You: yes
You: but i have a scholarship
Stranger: then ??
Stranger: okk
Stranger: so wat u doing ??
You: disturb my roomate
You: hahahaha
Stranger: :D
You: it was fun
Stranger: wat did u do?
You: do my homework
You: by online
Stranger: ohh
Stranger: gootta go now
You: see ya
Stranger: bye
You: bye too
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.

It was fun chat with him!

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