Saturday morning, weekend we like to shop the stuffs and food. Me and Samantha it's taking control of shop at once grocery store. We already buy all the stuffs and food just like the note that mom it's always give it to me. Catherine is taking control of shop at hardware store, buy a tools and others is Catherine likes to do. Nate and mom also dad is at the fair cause in weekend always have a fair. Nate is fifth grade, so he like a little kid. Samantha and Me always wait the other shopper because our shops it's always until two trolley and one medium bucket. While we wait at the cashier, minutes to minutes always have a information about reduce the plastic cause earth is have a global warming and now the grocery store is making a plastic shop that made from recycle plastic is friendly to environment or a just like a bag (make from polyethylene). But, the grocery store warning we are(not just me and Samantha) that shopping bags it's cost by two dollars and ten dollars. And the manager of grocery store said that the cashiers have to promote the friendly shopping bag. Well, when it's our turn, the cashier don't promoted the friendly shopping bag. Are the cashier is silly? I thought so. So we buy the three polyethylene shopping bag and we add our money. I felt that is just a tricking or the cashier didn't care to the earth? Well, i'm still say yes. So, when it's shopping time again, we don't accept when the cashier put our stuffs and food into the plastic bag. We use our bag so we kinda always buy for a collection (if for collection, then is useless right?)
Taylor W. Collins
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