HELLO WHO SEEING MY BLOG, THANKS FOR VISITING. URL BLOG: http://taylorcollins57.blogspot.com/ http://taylor-diary.blogspot.com/
Jumat, 18 Desember 2009
kemang fest!
Woo-Hoo! Tomorrow i go to Kemang Fest at Kemang, of course! Because the road has close for the fest im so excited. Maybe i spend my money too much or DONT buy any stuff or food. I can dead!
Minggu, 13 Desember 2009
omegle chat
Hi! I chat with strangers. Check it out!
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: wats ur name?
You: taylor
Stranger: nice to meet u
You: where r u from?
Stranger: usa
Stranger: u
You: me too
Stranger: which stat
Stranger: state?
You: california
You: u?
Stranger: virginia
You: oooh
You: whats ur age
Stranger: 18\
Stranger: u?
You: 16
Stranger: ohh kkkk
Stranger: u have a pic????
You: f/m?
You: no
You: im not in my computer
Stranger: m
Stranger: u?
You: f
You: of course!
Stranger: ya but taylor mayb a guy too
Stranger: :)
You: like taylor lautner
You: yeah i know
Stranger: :)
Stranger: so watsup?
You: just 1 2 online
Stranger: ok
You: whats ur school?
Stranger: little flower
Stranger: urs?
You: im in indonesia
You: ais
Stranger: wat??
Stranger: but u said u r in ua
Stranger: usa
You: yes
You: but i have a scholarship
Stranger: then ??
Stranger: okk
Stranger: so wat u doing ??
You: disturb my roomate
You: hahahaha
Stranger: :D
You: it was fun
Stranger: wat did u do?
You: do my homework
You: by online
Stranger: ohh
Stranger: gootta go now
You: see ya
Stranger: bye
You: bye too
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.
It was fun chat with him!
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: wats ur name?
You: taylor
Stranger: nice to meet u
You: where r u from?
Stranger: usa
Stranger: u
You: me too
Stranger: which stat
Stranger: state?
You: california
You: u?
Stranger: virginia
You: oooh
You: whats ur age
Stranger: 18\
Stranger: u?
You: 16
Stranger: ohh kkkk
Stranger: u have a pic????
You: f/m?
You: no
You: im not in my computer
Stranger: m
Stranger: u?
You: f
You: of course!
Stranger: ya but taylor mayb a guy too
Stranger: :)
You: like taylor lautner
You: yeah i know
Stranger: :)
Stranger: so watsup?
You: just 1 2 online
Stranger: ok
You: whats ur school?
Stranger: little flower
Stranger: urs?
You: im in indonesia
You: ais
Stranger: wat??
Stranger: but u said u r in ua
Stranger: usa
You: yes
You: but i have a scholarship
Stranger: then ??
Stranger: okk
Stranger: so wat u doing ??
You: disturb my roomate
You: hahahaha
Stranger: :D
You: it was fun
Stranger: wat did u do?
You: do my homework
You: by online
Stranger: ohh
Stranger: gootta go now
You: see ya
Stranger: bye
You: bye too
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.
It was fun chat with him!
Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009
nature lovers

I dont know why i like this picture, Samantha sents this picture via e-mail and i loved it. Since i cant find the high quality nature pictures, i was lost my mind and change it into global warming lovers. But, Samantha is make me not under control again and being nature is part of my life. I was so excited.

Walk in the heaven. She was lost but she knows that God will help her.

She was tired, so she sleeps in this beautiful nature that will gonna lead she have a good dream.

A flower will flows through the bottom of the soul.
Jumat, 11 Desember 2009
Hahahahaaa!!! It was a rainy day in here, Amber, Lucy and Jessica already fly back to America. Megan is try to in apartement until the rain was gone. But i say its okay, "Just a rain can't make your passion to go to the mall gone,"i said. So Megan accept that and she was wear a warm clothes. I wear a long purple-checked t-shirt, plaid jacket, denim trousers and solid-colored black shoes. We're go to PIM (Pondok Indah Mall) and we go to Planet Surf and we're hunted for Ripcurl,Quicksilver and of course my favorite, Roxy! I buy 5 clothes and 1 purse, Megan buy 7 clothes and 3 backpack. It was really ama-ZING! Not, a-LAZY!
Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009
sonny with a chance behind the scenes

I added 2 new behind the scenes photos of Demi, Doug Brochu Brandon Smith and Tiffany Thornton looking so cute on the set of the second season of Sonny With a Chance! Take a look, Demi looks really beautiful! Also I'd like to thank you so much for the amazing feedback you left about the layout and the magazine, we're really greatful and we love you guys so much, you're the best!
devonne magazine

I was suprised when Demi Lovato has a magazine. Check it out!
We are very pleased to introduce you our brand new network site, DEVONNE Magazine, a monthly online magazine dedicated entirely to the wonderful and talented Demi Lovato. We worked pretty hard in the last week and we hope you'll enjoy it! The magazine will come out every month on the 4th! Please do let us know if you come across issues and drop a comment to let us know what you think and if you any suggestions don't hesitate to contact us and help us improve the magazine! Also please if you have a Twitter account, retweet @DLDdotcom 's latest tweet to help us let know Demi about the first issue of DEVONNE magazine! Thank you so much!
Please help us let know @ddlovato about DEVONNE Magazine's first issue! #devonnemagazine !!!
Minggu, 29 November 2009
remember december video
Hope enjoyed!
Demi Lovato - Remember December - Music Video (HD)
Demi Lovato | MySpace Music Videos
Hope enjoyed!
Demi Lovato - Remember December - Music Video (HD)
Demi Lovato | MySpace Music Videos
demi lovato visits disneyland with family and chloe!

Demi, her family and Chloe Bridges visited Disneyland on November 27, 2009 in Anaheim, California. We added medium and high quality pictures to the Gallery! All of them looks really sweet and beautiful, check out the photos!
Only at the happiest place on earth with @chloebridges.... Nbd...
If that isn't pure joy on a kid's face, then idk what is! Madison watching Santa in a Christmas parade :)
chloe bridges,
demi lovato,
Sabtu, 28 November 2009
the fred jordan mission

Here a news Thanksgiving by Demi Lovato!(also picture!)
Demi and other celebrities served a traditional Thanksgiving Turkey Banquet with all of the homemade trimmings to more than 2,500 impoverished children, women and men at the Fred Jordan Mission, located at 445 Towne Avenue, on the corner of 5th and Towne, Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles for the Fred Jordan Mission on November 26, 2009.
Also Thanksgiving Dinner by 2.500 children.
Fred Jordan Mission will celebrate its 65th Thanksgiving Day on the streets of Skid Row. Thursday, November 26, from 10:00am - 2:00pm, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, dozens of celebrities including Demi Lovato from "Sonny with a Chance", Moises Arias from "Hannah Montana" and Keshia Knight Pulliam from "House of Payne" and "Madea Goes to Jail" and thousands of volunteers will serve a traditional Thanksgiving Turkey Banquet with all of the homemade trimmings to more than 2,500 impoverished children, women and men at the Fred Jordan Mission, located at 445 Towne Avenue, on the corner of 5th and Towne, Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles.
This annual dinner doesn't just draw homeless people. It also draws working families who can't afford to cook a Thanksgiving Day dinner of their own. The Mission is expecting a record number of people. Thanksgiving kicks off the Mission's 30 days of helping the poor come "home for the holidays" at the Fred Jordan Mission. This year once again the Mission will provide over 80,000 meals for the poor. With the downturn in the economy our food supplies are much lower than normal. If people want to help, please call 1 (800) 964-FOOD or go on-line to give at www.fjm.org.
The Fred Jordan Mission is delighted to announce its second annual "Boxes of Hope" campaign food drive to help provide Christmas Dinner food for impoverished families who are often forced to choose between paying rent and buying food for their children. Each tax-deductible donation of $25 will give a Christmas Food BOX OF HOPE directly to a needy family right here in our community. An additional $25 will provide new toys and warm sox for the children. Phone 1-800-964-FOOD and make the donation with a major credit card. Or go on-line to www.fjm.org to purchase a "Box of Hope" that will be given directly to a needy family.
The Fred Jordan Mission, open 365 days a year since 1944, provides nutritious meals for hungry families, builds schools and hospitals and distributes food and clothing to the needy. Every year, more than 400,000 hungry people look to the Mission for their daily bread. The Mission is a non-profit, faith-based, educational and relief organization that gives help and hope to untold thousands.
Jumat, 27 November 2009
dream day wedding: married in manhattan games

Oohh! I love this game so much(but dont what i really love to Cooking Academy) because this game like a puzzle game, not romantic games. Check it out the picture at above!
Fans of seek and find games, get ready for a brand new journey of romance for two brides in the big city! Hot on the heels of the blockbuster success of the original Dream Day Wedding, Honeymoon and First Home, Married in Manhattan brings you two brand new, very different couples that need your help to create their Dream Day memories in exciting New York City.
demi lovato and chloe bridges

Hi! I just found this at http://demilovatodaily.com/ at the pictures. Last weekend Demi is always hang it out with Chloe Bridges. Check it out!
Up: Left(Chloe Bridges), Right(Demetria Devonne Lovato). Chloe has a sleepover party in other day. Match pajama's right?
chloe bridges,
demi lovato,
lucy come to indonesia!
Hi! Its very wonderful day! Megan and me will gonna be Lucy's apartement roomate. Our rooms was medium, my teacher was live in other room. Lucy says she at a LAX airpot, wait the American Airlines. We're so happy, so we go home very early cause the last lesson is a History, and all benchwarmers also a teacher not in here. So Nindy, our leader class, says we can go home very soon. So we spend Rp.10000(money in Indonesia) to back to our apartement. It was a wonderful say and we get dressing up and go to Kemang Village. We're dont go to Grand Indonesia again or EX. In here we go in shop-to-shop. We buy 3 cardigans, one dress(for Lucy), 3 denim pants and a flip-flops. They're good. After go to Kemang Village we eat at Burger King and back to apartement. Because Lucy's sweet 16 is a 27 November so we planning to celebrate in Indonesia. Just invited:Me, Jessica, Lucy, Megan and Amber. Amber was very excited so she's buy an expensive clothes. Whatever.. She's a shopper.
Rabu, 25 November 2009
im lazy!
What should i do? Yes! Maybe i should still at school, but im tired so im back to my apartement, play computer while eat ice cream. A mint chocolate chip was frizzy in my mouth. Another fally day, i will play ROIWORLD!
new friend at school!
Today, i have a new friend. She's from New Zealand. Her name is Joany, Joany Karlz. She has got a blond-short-curly hair and grey eyes. Today, she's wear a flowered Hawaii shirt, pink t-shirt, denim skirt and a old boots. She's has a one brother, his name is Daryl Coat and her parents Maria Blueman and Joe Haley. Her school in New Zealand was a elementary school grade six. So im older than her.
It was fun with her, but i think my bff is still Jessica and Lucy.
It was fun with her, but i think my bff is still Jessica and Lucy.
Sabtu, 21 November 2009
Jumat, 20 November 2009
ask vanessa, answer vanessa
Question 1: My parents don’t want me to go out until midnight and they don’t let me have a boyfriend. How can I confince them I can handle those things? – Kim
Vanessa: Your parents wish you all the best, but that’s not going to help you right now. You need to WIN their confidence! When they tell you to be home at 23:00, you’ll be there at 23:00! When you go a little longer, it’s fun for you, but your parents lose their confidence and about boyfriends: Bring a GOOD boy back to your home! You can show your parents you like good guys! Maybe you can go on a dubble date with your BFF, maybe that’s ok!
Question 2: I heard from a friend that another good friend gossips about me. Do I have to tell her that I know? – Charlotte
Vanessa: I had exacly the same problem. You can feel very sad when something like that happends. Are you REALLY sure that she did that? Ask her why, and give her a chance to explain. Maybe she said something about your boyfriend and not about you! And maybe she’s jealous. But friends without any reasons to gossip, aren’t worth your friendship!
Question 3: I’m very shy when It comes to boys. How did you talked to a boy you liked when you were single? -Laura
Vanessa: When you’re going out, it works to show that you’re having alot of fun. Don’t focus too much on a guy you like but laugh and dance with your friends. He’ll notice you! Do you like a boy you already know, you can ask him to help you with something!
Question 4: When my boyfriend talks to other girls, I get really jealous. How can I get rid of that? – Merel
Vanessa: Everybody can be jealous, and thats not a bad thing! It shows you care about eachother! But if youre claiming him too much and watching him everywhere he goes, he gets annoyed. Show him you trust him, and he’ll see that you’re the only one he wants to be with and, when YOU are talking to a boy, is there any reason to get jealous? No!
Question 5: My friends call me a dork, because I always fall and trip over things. It makes me feel insicure. What can I do? – Jacqueline
Vanessa: You have to laugh about yourself! I’m a dork too. In Bandslam I’m falling into a planter, and they let it in the movie because they found it really funny. I didnt, but now I can laugh about that too! They even put it in the movietrailer!
A question from CosmoGirl: Where do you go to get advice?
Vanessa: When I have a problem, I talk to Zac. He’s a GREAT listener but sometimes, girls are better in giving advise, because they understand what girls can go through. Boys don’t understand why you’re sad about something another person said about you, or a bad hairday and I can always talk with my parents when I’m sad. That helps too! I’m very close with my family.
Vanessa: Your parents wish you all the best, but that’s not going to help you right now. You need to WIN their confidence! When they tell you to be home at 23:00, you’ll be there at 23:00! When you go a little longer, it’s fun for you, but your parents lose their confidence and about boyfriends: Bring a GOOD boy back to your home! You can show your parents you like good guys! Maybe you can go on a dubble date with your BFF, maybe that’s ok!
Question 2: I heard from a friend that another good friend gossips about me. Do I have to tell her that I know? – Charlotte
Vanessa: I had exacly the same problem. You can feel very sad when something like that happends. Are you REALLY sure that she did that? Ask her why, and give her a chance to explain. Maybe she said something about your boyfriend and not about you! And maybe she’s jealous. But friends without any reasons to gossip, aren’t worth your friendship!
Question 3: I’m very shy when It comes to boys. How did you talked to a boy you liked when you were single? -Laura
Vanessa: When you’re going out, it works to show that you’re having alot of fun. Don’t focus too much on a guy you like but laugh and dance with your friends. He’ll notice you! Do you like a boy you already know, you can ask him to help you with something!
Question 4: When my boyfriend talks to other girls, I get really jealous. How can I get rid of that? – Merel
Vanessa: Everybody can be jealous, and thats not a bad thing! It shows you care about eachother! But if youre claiming him too much and watching him everywhere he goes, he gets annoyed. Show him you trust him, and he’ll see that you’re the only one he wants to be with and, when YOU are talking to a boy, is there any reason to get jealous? No!
Question 5: My friends call me a dork, because I always fall and trip over things. It makes me feel insicure. What can I do? – Jacqueline
Vanessa: You have to laugh about yourself! I’m a dork too. In Bandslam I’m falling into a planter, and they let it in the movie because they found it really funny. I didnt, but now I can laugh about that too! They even put it in the movietrailer!
A question from CosmoGirl: Where do you go to get advice?
Vanessa: When I have a problem, I talk to Zac. He’s a GREAT listener but sometimes, girls are better in giving advise, because they understand what girls can go through. Boys don’t understand why you’re sad about something another person said about you, or a bad hairday and I can always talk with my parents when I’m sad. That helps too! I’m very close with my family.
the reason why i love demi lovato

If you ask me why my blog like all with Demi Lovato, i will answer.
Demi Lovato is a cool and rock girl, she always play with the guitar, like Miley Cyrus. Her clothes was top of cool clothes in the world. She's not too much, she's confidently, loyaly, caring and always smiling also she's fun! If you want to know full of my Demi Lovato mail, check it out at DeVonne Lovato at Facebook. There was a Demi Lovato pics, videos, notes and information. Invite her at your Pet Society, her name is ddlovato. She's purple and the cutest pet i ever see.
Back to our talk, she's not yet up to date, but she's NOT out of date. Her hair that i love it and her stuffs. I want to be like her, but im not superstar.
Check it out the picture!
demi lovato,
pet society
something so weird
I feel BAD. Not because im BAD on class or maybe my book report is BAD. Something was happen to me this morning. I dont feel good. Little sick, maybe. Or i get a stomachache. I feel like MENOPAUSE(hahahaha, just kidding). Something spooky was in my head. Want to BAM like a dynamite.
Save me everybody( hahahahaha)from crashing walls down.
Save me everybody( hahahahaha)from crashing walls down.
i dont want get back!
My boyriend was suprised when he knews that me and Jessica was saw that situation. I thought my boyfriend was wanted to out from this problem cause i dont wanna hide anymore. Hide and seek always seek right after the finder know where they hide?
"Yes. I want we over this relationship."i explained whats really hurt to me.
"I love you,"what is just i hear from his mouth.
"You lie. Don't you want to tell everybody im such like a foolish?"i shout.
"No. Margaret says that first,"
"And why you continued that?"i ask, my eyes was glassy.
"Cause i want she's shut up,"
"But you say my weakness. Okay? Lets be honest. You was fulled with a lies and secrets. You love every girls, dont you?"
"Taylor, why you say that?"
"Didn't i saw you and Gloria kiss under the table in HISTORY class, when is our relationship. SO LONG!"
"I dropped my pencil. That's all,"
"And you dropped your lips to Gloria lips?"i was cry a little bit.
"You love somebody else, too!"He thinks me and Derek was fall in love each other.
"No. But after that situation, i love with him. Not any reason now! JUST OVER!" i ran fast at a hallway school, was wanted to far with Oliver. Margaret was really naughty. She's wear a tie-dye dress with a big ribbon at her back, wedge heels pinky and a big ribbon pink as her head accessory. She was wanted to kisses Oliver, but Oliver dont mood. Margaret wear a pink lipstick. YIKES!
Jessica told to me that at 21 November 2009, there was a prom night. I didn't know whats my partner. Derek wants me, and I wanted him. We're a match couple, do we?
"Yes. I want we over this relationship."i explained whats really hurt to me.
"I love you,"what is just i hear from his mouth.
"You lie. Don't you want to tell everybody im such like a foolish?"i shout.
"No. Margaret says that first,"
"And why you continued that?"i ask, my eyes was glassy.
"Cause i want she's shut up,"
"But you say my weakness. Okay? Lets be honest. You was fulled with a lies and secrets. You love every girls, dont you?"
"Taylor, why you say that?"
"Didn't i saw you and Gloria kiss under the table in HISTORY class, when is our relationship. SO LONG!"
"I dropped my pencil. That's all,"
"And you dropped your lips to Gloria lips?"i was cry a little bit.
"You love somebody else, too!"He thinks me and Derek was fall in love each other.
"No. But after that situation, i love with him. Not any reason now! JUST OVER!" i ran fast at a hallway school, was wanted to far with Oliver. Margaret was really naughty. She's wear a tie-dye dress with a big ribbon at her back, wedge heels pinky and a big ribbon pink as her head accessory. She was wanted to kisses Oliver, but Oliver dont mood. Margaret wear a pink lipstick. YIKES!
Jessica told to me that at 21 November 2009, there was a prom night. I didn't know whats my partner. Derek wants me, and I wanted him. We're a match couple, do we?
Jumat, 13 November 2009
bff broken
I dont know what the feel if you broke with your friend. But, i ask to my sister. She said that it really hurts so bad. But, today, before i post this, Margaret is love my boyfriend! I see it at Jessica's handycam. She recorded video about yesterday. Margaret sat at up to my boyfriend. They told my weakness and they made me so look ugly. But, i have another boy friends so i can still keep my reputation and a good teacher. And what making me surprised, they hugging very long time! I feel hurt. So today, i just in music room, playing guitar with sing my song that i make today. But, i dont mood and dont want to write the lyrics. Sorry, i hurt. So today i tell to my boyfriend. Now, i delete Margaret in my heart. Still Jessica who really care on me. A cloudy day and rainy, just like me.
briar rose & the secret spell
Briar Rose and her aunts, Flora, Fauna and Merryweather had spent a busy morning and dusting forests cottage they all shared. Now, the aunts were our collecting firewood. They all worked so hard that Briar Rose decicded to prepared a special lunch. She put some bread in the oven and a big pot of vegetable soup on the stove. "Now to pick some delicious berries!"said Briar Rose, grabbing a basket. Deep in the forest, Briar Rose smiled hello to rabbit and laughed at a pair of playful chipmunks. Suddenly, a little squirrel ran up to her, chatterring loudly. "Hello, Bushy-Tail."said Briar Rose, reaching up to stroke his fluffy fur. But the squirrel darted away, the looked back at to her. Briar Rose was puzzled.
Be continued...
Be continued...
Sometimes you could'nt imagine what you want
Sometimes you cant be special
Sometimes you cant take your dream
Sometimes you will loose your friend
Sometimes you will never take a faith
Sometimes you have to loose what you really care for
Sometimes your parents mad of you
But in the night,
When they lead you to go to bed,
They will kisses your cheek and says,
You so special than us,
Like a baby child running,
Get their blanket.
Sometimes you cant be special
Sometimes you cant take your dream
Sometimes you will loose your friend
Sometimes you will never take a faith
Sometimes you have to loose what you really care for
Sometimes your parents mad of you
But in the night,
When they lead you to go to bed,
They will kisses your cheek and says,
You so special than us,
Like a baby child running,
Get their blanket.
Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009
hotel 626 games
Being brave, being strong and keep handle it. If you think you really brave to play this game, you should go to http://hotel626.com/ to play. You have to reservate first if you want to pick up your strength. My advice, the e-mail dont the real e-mail. If you do, you cant use your e-mail again. Type your name, create password and website, you are immediately whisked away into the opening movie: your awakening, in the middle of the night, in your room at this hellish hotel. Strange noises echo in the distance. Your breath quickens, your heart pounds and some animals instinct screams that you NEED to get out. You throw on your shirt, dash into the hallway and then the real game begins.
Altough the game is available to play between the hours of 6pm and 6am only, you can change your computer clock to let you in immediately.
The journey through the hotel is comprised of ten levels, each of which involves its own creepy, unique task or puzzle. Some are extremely simple:locating the correct door, for example. Others involve more complex undertakings, such as figuring out a code or snapping a picture of a ghost's face. None, to be honest, are objectively very difficult or intellectually taxing. What you're really playing against is your own andrenaline, and the knowledge that if you mess up/take too long you're bound to meet unfortunate end. And that, really, can be far tougher to overcome than any MENSA riddle. Luckily, if you do fail and die, the hotel is magnanimous to offer you the chance to either try it again or move on to the next level.
One impressive measure of the game's creativity is the lengths that it goes to create a sense of immersion in the scenario. At the beginning, while registering, you are given the option to allow access to your computer's webcam and microphone;if you do so, both those elements will be used in later levels. Also, near the end of the game, players in the United States can enter their phone numbers and receive a kah-reepy call from a "friend." Finally, as the name of game implies, the Hotel is only "open"(accessible)from 6pm to 6am, the better to set the spooky stage. However, for those of us who are impatient(me) or too chicken to play the game in the dark(also me), YOU CAN EASILY CHEAT BY CHANGING THE TIME ON YOUR COMPUTER.
If you're brave enough, your room is ready...
Altough the game is available to play between the hours of 6pm and 6am only, you can change your computer clock to let you in immediately.
The journey through the hotel is comprised of ten levels, each of which involves its own creepy, unique task or puzzle. Some are extremely simple:locating the correct door, for example. Others involve more complex undertakings, such as figuring out a code or snapping a picture of a ghost's face. None, to be honest, are objectively very difficult or intellectually taxing. What you're really playing against is your own andrenaline, and the knowledge that if you mess up/take too long you're bound to meet unfortunate end. And that, really, can be far tougher to overcome than any MENSA riddle. Luckily, if you do fail and die, the hotel is magnanimous to offer you the chance to either try it again or move on to the next level.
One impressive measure of the game's creativity is the lengths that it goes to create a sense of immersion in the scenario. At the beginning, while registering, you are given the option to allow access to your computer's webcam and microphone;if you do so, both those elements will be used in later levels. Also, near the end of the game, players in the United States can enter their phone numbers and receive a kah-reepy call from a "friend." Finally, as the name of game implies, the Hotel is only "open"(accessible)from 6pm to 6am, the better to set the spooky stage. However, for those of us who are impatient(me) or too chicken to play the game in the dark(also me), YOU CAN EASILY CHEAT BY CHANGING THE TIME ON YOUR COMPUTER.
If you're brave enough, your room is ready...
Hello! I would love to you for trying my experiment of food.
melted-cheddar bruschetta
1 baguette
3 tomatoes, put it out the nut and cut dice
1 bombay onion, cut dice
3 cheese slices, cut to triangle
5 smoked beef, cut dice
1 tbsp oregano.
~Cut the baguette(1,5 cm), use a knife for strong bread.
~Put the bombay onion cuts,tomatoes and smoked beef in up of bread, set up being little wrap and look good in bread.
~Put a cheese slice then pour the oregano.
~Bake bread at oven for a 5 minutes, let the cheese is melted.
For 10 cuts.
sausages on sticks
8 beef sausages or chicken, cut to three pieces then cut four at the side.
1 red paprika, cut long 2X2 cm
1 green paprika, cut long 2X2 cm
1/4 pineapple, cut 2X2 cm
1/4 bombay onion, cut 2X2 cm
A mayonnaise
~Put in all ingridients to stick, for a set like what you want.
~Bake all the sticks at the oven for a 10 minutes after sausages is ready.
~Take up the sausages and pour the mayonnaise in up of stick.
For 10 sticks.
melted-cheddar bruschetta
1 baguette
3 tomatoes, put it out the nut and cut dice
1 bombay onion, cut dice
3 cheese slices, cut to triangle
5 smoked beef, cut dice
1 tbsp oregano.
~Cut the baguette(1,5 cm), use a knife for strong bread.
~Put the bombay onion cuts,tomatoes and smoked beef in up of bread, set up being little wrap and look good in bread.
~Put a cheese slice then pour the oregano.
~Bake bread at oven for a 5 minutes, let the cheese is melted.
For 10 cuts.
sausages on sticks
8 beef sausages or chicken, cut to three pieces then cut four at the side.
1 red paprika, cut long 2X2 cm
1 green paprika, cut long 2X2 cm
1/4 pineapple, cut 2X2 cm
1/4 bombay onion, cut 2X2 cm
A mayonnaise
~Put in all ingridients to stick, for a set like what you want.
~Bake all the sticks at the oven for a 10 minutes after sausages is ready.
~Take up the sausages and pour the mayonnaise in up of stick.
For 10 sticks.
Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009
omegle: speak with mystery!
Started from my friends when recess she always chat by Omegle. She says that Omegle is secreting the name and speak with people entire of the world. Before i post blog, there someone from Israel. He's male but totally annoying! I must keep it not real just because i ask is he have a relationship. I said i'm male. But, no-nuh! It's so stranger and when im chat, always my person chat is male. Everybody say that they love me. Auch! But, i already have boyfriend. Maybe i think it someday....
Taylor W. Collins
Taylor W. Collins
Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009
"perahu kertas" book.

I never thought that the short cover name at book that will be amazing. I bought it yesterday when Megan and Me agree that we go to Grand Indonesia and staying to eat at FX Mall. I know the Indonesia language so i "shoot" this book into my bag. We still have a holiday. I'm bought this cause i want to learn Indonesian language very confidently. The part that i love it is Keenan cause he so funny. This book all about the Dee(writer)'s imagination by pour it and write it. Hahahahaa i think i will keep this book and be my present from Indonesia to Beverly Hills.
Taylor W. Collins
Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009
the world has been in the plastic

Saturday morning, weekend we like to shop the stuffs and food. Me and Samantha it's taking control of shop at once grocery store. We already buy all the stuffs and food just like the note that mom it's always give it to me. Catherine is taking control of shop at hardware store, buy a tools and others is Catherine likes to do. Nate and mom also dad is at the fair cause in weekend always have a fair. Nate is fifth grade, so he like a little kid. Samantha and Me always wait the other shopper because our shops it's always until two trolley and one medium bucket. While we wait at the cashier, minutes to minutes always have a information about reduce the plastic cause earth is have a global warming and now the grocery store is making a plastic shop that made from recycle plastic is friendly to environment or a just like a bag (make from polyethylene). But, the grocery store warning we are(not just me and Samantha) that shopping bags it's cost by two dollars and ten dollars. And the manager of grocery store said that the cashiers have to promote the friendly shopping bag. Well, when it's our turn, the cashier don't promoted the friendly shopping bag. Are the cashier is silly? I thought so. So we buy the three polyethylene shopping bag and we add our money. I felt that is just a tricking or the cashier didn't care to the earth? Well, i'm still say yes. So, when it's shopping time again, we don't accept when the cashier put our stuffs and food into the plastic bag. We use our bag so we kinda always buy for a collection (if for collection, then is useless right?)
Taylor W. Collins
huhuhu!!! i'm coming to indonesia again!
Hi there. I'm at my apartement with my friends, Jessica and regular friend, Amber just for say goodbye to each other. Lucy it's sick so she can't go to school and Margaret must go to her grandma house. Me and my friends just go home after school. They help me to packing my stuffs and clean my bedroom. They helpful and loving. Amber is just wanta know where i'm living but she is pretty nice. I'm gonna live the city of full celebrities cause i have to go to Indonesia cause i'm lucky at switch students test. Me and Megan win the test and i have to go to the airpot at five o'clock. Samantha it's go with me cause she got a duty at Indonesia for a two months and i'm, too. I'm love in Beverly Hills, but what i must do.... It's my destiny. I have to picked the success or not. I think my friends it's crying out. Huh!! I must call the cleaning service again. Well, Miss Lewis, my guide teacher at Indonesia said that it will be okay. Cause a switch student will get 1 month holidays. I feel so sick.... Yeah. I guess i can communicated with friends....
Taylor W. Collins
Taylor W. Collins
Rabu, 30 September 2009
quick!quick! update your twitter!
Huhhh!!!!!!!!!! Follow me now on TWITTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the email is taylorcollins57@yahoo.com. Sorry. Fast posting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Taylor W. Collins
Taylor W. Collins
earthquake at indonesia ; always happening!
If i ask you are you have been felt earthquake in America and you say no, maybe you should check the list of earthquake happening years-to-years. I saw the most earthquake happening in Indonesia. I saw the most biggest earthquake have been happen at Aceh, 26 Desember 2004. This earthquake power is 6,9 SR. But, when i saw the list again, WAW! I saw the new and it's happening at Java, all of the provinces (just at the Java) felt that. And the power is 7,5 SR. WAW! It's happening by two times, but the second it's 3,4 SR. I felt it, too. When my father have a duty at Indonesia, i'm in hotel, playing games at the internet and at 2:55 pm i felt the hotel it's shaked. I saw the down of bed, cause my brother always tricking me. My sister it's read a book and it's right on me. Well, i fell down cause i'm in middle but don't you think i saw the down of the bed? Well, it's right. I saw and my brother not in down, my brother it's still at the balcony hotel. He said that he saw the buildings it's shaked, also the trees and the most is Grand Indonesia! My favourite place is shaked, too. Ooh, i think it's last day so i'm ran, forgotting my laptop, save myself and but no! Police in traffic said that he brings the temperature for earthquake. I borrow them and it's positive! This "shaked" earth it's not last day so i'm back to the hotel. My sister laughing me, she said why i'm ran out to the hotel? She knews that it's not the last day, so she still calm and read the book again. I'm such like a foolish.....
Taylor W. Collins
Taylor W. Collins
everything is bad.,
Selasa, 29 September 2009
hannah montana wii games
If you are the Hannah Montana holic, then you should buy this. It's new and i saw at the internet last week. I already wanted to bought this game but my mom said that i had to helped my grandma first. Huh! Now, you have to buy. Limited time! Oh yeah, if you wants the details of this game, click on http://wii.com/ to find out what this game.
Taylor W. Collins
Taylor W. Collins
quiz:are you a superstar?
Hello. I'm will ask you a questions and it will be provided are you superstar or not.
1. If you had a long holiday, what you will gonna do?
a. sleep all day, wake up just for take a bath and eat.
b. have a sleepover party with friends or go to the cinema.
c. go to the saloon and spa for relaxing, beauty and sauna or take a yoga or aerobic class to keep your body health.
2. If you got a party or movie premiere, what the style do you gonna take?
a. a lipwater with a neutral eye-shadows and a skinny blush-on.
b. a lipgloss with a shiny or dark color eye-shadows and a comfy color blush-on.
c. a lipstick with a shiny or dark with glitter eye-shadowa and a pastel color blush-on.
3. If you gonna go to a party or movie premiere, what the right-perfect bags?
a. a backpack, you can put anything in there.
b. a school bag, simply and regular.
c. a purse, little and comfy to use.
Send your answer to taylorcollins57@yahoo.com.
Taylor W. Collins
1. If you had a long holiday, what you will gonna do?
a. sleep all day, wake up just for take a bath and eat.
b. have a sleepover party with friends or go to the cinema.
c. go to the saloon and spa for relaxing, beauty and sauna or take a yoga or aerobic class to keep your body health.
2. If you got a party or movie premiere, what the style do you gonna take?
a. a lipwater with a neutral eye-shadows and a skinny blush-on.
b. a lipgloss with a shiny or dark color eye-shadows and a comfy color blush-on.
c. a lipstick with a shiny or dark with glitter eye-shadowa and a pastel color blush-on.
3. If you gonna go to a party or movie premiere, what the right-perfect bags?
a. a backpack, you can put anything in there.
b. a school bag, simply and regular.
c. a purse, little and comfy to use.
Send your answer to taylorcollins57@yahoo.com.
Taylor W. Collins
I'm just like typical girl. My real name is Taylor Williams Collins. You can call me Taylor, Willa, Collins or Liam. I'm living in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California. I'm schooled at a public school and i hate the private school cause it's all about the perfect, beauty and rich also the most important thing, BLINK! I'm really active on society and i love my neighborhood also my friend. My friend is Jessica, Lucy and Margaret. I school and work in once bait shop. I like in Beverly Hills cause i can meet the celebrities at Los Angeles. I'm 16 years old and my sister also brother is Catherine, Samantha and Nate. My mom is Anne and my dad is John. Oh, i have to go to the cinema cause my friend and me promise to watch the movie.
Taylor W. Collins
Taylor W. Collins
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